
DefProc Finalists for Innovative Product or Service Award

DefProc is delighted to announce that we are finalists for the Innovative Product or Service Award at The Liverpool Chamber Innovation in Business Awards. The awards celebrate businesses and individuals who have driven their organisations forward throughout the year. The event, in association with Blok ‘N’ Mesh, will take place at St. George’s Hall on the 26th of October. 

The products behind our nomination are our tech for good projects, H2Go and SmUPS. 


Working alongside EIC, Northern Gas Networks, and Wales and West Utilities, we developed the first low-cost domestic hydrogen sensor, H2Go. Current hydrogen sensors are built for industrial purposes and are often expensive. However, H2Go was designed with careful consideration of affordability and reliability, making its low-cost design suitable for domestic use. It has an innovative method of detecting hydrogen by measuring the levels of gases that are cross-sensitive to hydrogen and will alarm well before hydrogen levels reach dangerous concentrations. In the future, H2Go will serve as the blueprint for manufacturing domestic sensors.

With the UK Government targeting net zero carbon emissions by 2050, finding innovative ways of reducing emissions is more important than ever. Hydrogen is being considered as an alternative to natural gases. When burnt as a fuel, the only waste is water vapour, making it a greener option to heat people’s homes. With this in mind, there must be a way of detecting and measuring potential leaks in domestic properties. H2Go will be crucial in consumer confidence in the transition to hydrogen energy. 

Find out more about H2Go.


Last year, we secured funding from Innovate UK to develop a Smart Uninterruptible Power Supply (SmUPS). This brand-new product will provide multi-hour backup power for virtual wards, telehealth and telecare devices deployed in patients’ homes. The product will help healthcare staff to monitor the state of the main power supply and battery capacity and calculate the remaining time left on the battery. These metrics will alert staff to potential problems ahead of patients losing connection so that they can ensure patients receive continued service. 

Digital healthcare services have increased since 2020 to create capacity and better utilise frontline healthcare staff. Healthcare organisations use virtual wards to monitor patients with conditions such as COPD, frailty, and hypertension from their homes. The Department of Health and Social Care has developed a digital healthcare plan to expand virtual wards, remote monitoring of lifestyle diseases, and increase self-care and self-management. As a result, this has raised the question of how to provide services during power outages and in homes suffering from fuel poverty. SmUPS aims to solve this problem.

Vote for us!

Voting for the awards is now open. You can find the complete list of finalists and vote for DefProc here.


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