
Oggy! Oggy! Oggcamp 2015!

This year DefProc were a part of the Oggcamp 15 team. It took place over Halloween weekend at LJMU Art Centre opposite the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.

If you are wondering what it is… Oggcamp is a technology based cultural community event that is growing in size each year. The “unconference” is supported by Entroware, Ubuntu, Fedora and Linux Voice and it all began, once upon a time, in 2009, when two podcast teams joined forces.

The event features new exciting products from makers for you to play with and stare at in awe, live podcasts and talks from the event attendees themselves, sharing information on their passions and interests.

The great thing is, it’s not just for techy types. Its for the whole family. The talks aren’t just about laptops and advances in podcast communication, no, they are there in the first place as a sharing platform of knowledge provided by people like you, with backgrounds in similar or different veins to you that could take your fancy and if you felt like sharing something of interest you just had to sign up. Leaf Liverpool was also on hand to supply you with tea, coffee and cake.

And finally… the best part…there was free pizza!!! Always a great incentive to peak your interest into checking out something new and different.

Our creative director Jen was on board team Oggcamp to help plan the event and create all the fabulous fluorescent Ogg-artwork for the posters, signs, t-shirts and mugs, as well as designing the look of the website. You may have seen the bright orange crew t-shirts, even purchased a slime green memorabilia t-shirt or mug but either way they could not be missed!

Another great part of Oggcamp, if we do say so ourselves, was our collaboration project with DoES, The Made Invaders foam dart gun range.

We managed to provide great entertainment for many kids and adults alike, as well as create competitiveness between parents, offspring, siblings and friends.

We were offering a Grand Prize for our highest twitter recorded scorer, so the competition was on to win one of three Nerf gun prizes. Top score of 429,496,896 (via a well explored zero day exploit!) won the Nerf Zombie Strike Slingfire and for the runners up there were two other Nerf Doublestrike pistols for second and third place.

The DoES Liverpool Tower was also on display at the entrance greeting the attendees along side the RedViolet Kite Installation. Other DoES exhibitions included a Knitic
circular knitting machine, Boomstand and RFcrafting (a DefProc client’s project) – remote control Minecraft buttons.

All in all it was a fantastic unconference full of gadgets and games. Albeit it was still work, but it was a very fun weekend filled with everything we like most. We hope to see more of you here with us next year as the event continues to grow in the future.

See below for a collection of photographs from the weekend taken by DefProc Photographer Lu Lowe.

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