
TTN Liverpool is Official

With the placement of Liverpool’s first permanent LoRaWAN gateway, and the launch announcement of The Things Network Liverpool at IoT Liverpool just over a week ago, there’s been a clear movement forward at the Liverpool outpost of The Things Network. The additional interest from the event, coupled with setting up a dedicated slack channel and announcement forum post, the Liverpool community has now passed the thresholds to become registered as an official Things Network community.

This has made us the 5th established community in the UK, out of 35 towns and cities that have set up communities so far around the country. I think that it is a measure of the level of interest in Internet of Things in Liverpool, and particularly the businesses and individuals working out of and around DoES Liverpool that we have a fledgling LoRaWAN network off the ground and in use without any public funding so far.

On to the building the next set of gateways!

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