February 2021


Feature image credit: bruntwood.co.uk, with thanks Creating a responsive, interactive wall for a landmark Bruntwood building This project was a collaboration between DefProc and the artist Andrew Small. [...]

November 2020

November 2019

August 2019

July 2019

March 2017

The Things Network

The Things Network is on a mission to build an open, global and crowdsourced Internet of Things data network, owned and operated by its users. In July 2015, [...]

May 2016

SOMO-II Library

To make Made Invaders feel more like a real-life video game, we included some event sounds and game music. Originally, we had been using the Adafruit VS1053, which [...]

March 2016

Made Invaders

Immerse yourself in the world of Made Invaders: DefProc’s physical, classic arcade shooter that fans of Space Invaders and Time Crisis are sure to love.

December 2015


This Arduino compatible shield was developed as part of the microcontrollers course that we developed for the Environment Agency in the UK. This shield and Arduino libraries provide [...]

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