June 2015


DoES Liverpool was lent an Ultimaker 2 Extended as part of an art and community support project to 3D print prosthetic hands for children in and around Liverpool, [...]

February 2015

Impact Sensor

When placed on the back of a target surface, the piezo speaker acts like a microphone and emits a voltage signal relative to the vibration of the surface. [...]

January 2015

April 2013


Doodlebots are simple to construct drawing robots that create random coloured patterns as they vibrate around on a sheet of paper. While we definately didn't invent them (the [...]

February 2013


The Clip-R-Pi is a box for the Raspberry Pi computer. It is completely laser-cut from acrylic sheet, with integrated fastenings so it doesn't require any additional fixings, hardware [...]

July 2010

Atomic Duck

People who cycle often identify themselves as cyclists. But if you drive to work everyday in a car, you wouldn't tell people you are a carist! At [...]

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