Catch Patrick at The Things Conference 2023
DefProc's Co-Founder Patrick Fenner will be heading to Amsterdam this month for the annual The Things Conference! This year, Patrick will be presenting a keynote on LoRaWAN’s role in [...]
DefProc's Co-Founder Patrick Fenner will be heading to Amsterdam this month for the annual The Things Conference! This year, Patrick will be presenting a keynote on LoRaWAN’s role in [...]
Following our announcement that DefProc is a finalist for the Innovative Product or Service Award at the Liverpool Chamber Innovation in Business Awards, we’re delighted to share that we [...]
DefProc is delighted to announce that we are finalists for the Innovative Product or Service Award at The Liverpool Chamber Innovation in Business Awards. The awards celebrate businesses and [...]
After an action-packed month, we've taken some time to reflect on the incredible events that our team has attended over the last few weeks. Wirral MakeFest We kicked off [...]
World Environment Day is celebrated annually on the 5th of June. The day aims to promote awareness and action to protect the environment. This year, the focus is exploring [...]
This month saw Liverpool welcoming fans from all over the world for the Eurovision Song Contest. As we showcased our ability to make Liverpool the place to be, our [...]
Last year, DefProc worked with the Thackray Museum of Medicine in Leeds to repair an interactive exhibit. The exhibit replicated laparoscopy (keyhole surgery), allowing visitors to move graspers around [...]
Made Invaders is returning for Wirral MakeFest 2023, which will take place on Saturday 3rd of June, between 10 AM and 4 PM at Birkenhead Central Library and The [...]
What is Intellectual Property?Intellectual property is something original that you create, ranging from artwork to a piece of technology. The main types of IP covered in the UK are [...]
2010 - 2012: The Origin DefProc humbly began in a spare room with no equipment, no investment and an employee count of one. Our first substantial project was Atomic [...]